Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns you may have.
Mrs. Ariel Keller
Houma Christian School
What is SGA?
SGA stands for “Student Government Association” otherwise known as a student council. It is an extracurricular activity that often serves as a tool to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership. The student council helps share students’ ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and administration. They also help raise funds for school-wide activities, including social events, community projects, and helping people in need. Most schools also participate in food drives, fundraisers and parties. This year, the SGA organization at Houma Christian is responsible for planning high school activities such as Sadie Hawkins, Grandparent’s Day, and the Junior/Senior Prom, along with other community work and fundraising events.
HCS Student Government Merit Agreement
Each Student Government member and Officer must earn the required number of merit points each nine weeks to remain an active member of the Houma Christian SGA student council. Students must earn the appropriate number of points in order to retain privileges of Student Government membership.
The point system for each position is as follows:
Class Executive Officers: 75 points minimum for each nine weeks
Representatives (General members): 50 points minimum for each nine weeks
The point system is as follows:
Student Council Meetings, both general and officer: 10 points
Student Council Events (i.e. Sadie Hawkins, Prom, and Grandparent’s Day)
Points vary by activity as most will be required: 10 points
Athletic/Club Events
Attendance at an athletic event (must be a sport you are not playing): 5 points
Attendance at a club event (i.e. choir/band concert): 5 points
All A’s in a nine weeks grading period: 20 points per nine weeks
Class Attendance
Perfect attendance, except for school sponsored events: 15 points per nine weeks
Raising funds for Student Council: 10 points per hour
Service to a teacher, the school, or Student Council: 10 points per hour
Activities that are completed during the summer prior to the start of classes will be allowed to be entered on the first nine weeks. In order to maintain voting rights and the privileges of Student Council, representatives and officers must turn in the required point sheets at the end of each nine weeks to one of their class officers or to the sponsor. All forms and documentation are due by the last day of each nine weeks. Failure to acquire the appropriate number of points for each nine weeks will result in a letter of probation or dismissal.
1st offense: Probation - Once placed on probation, you must correct the problems by the end of the following nine weeks in order to regain eligibility. Voting right and privileges will be temporarily suspended while on probation.
2nd offense: Dismissal - After two consecutive nine weeks on probation, a student will be dismissed from Student Council.
Students can also be placed on probation or dismissed if your cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5 or if the student receives two Friday detentions, a Saturday detention, or a suspension due to misconduct.